​​RWC Navajo Canyon

2295 Needham Road #4

​El Cajon CA 92020


RWC Navajo Canyon hosts a luncheon meeting for members and guests the second Tuesday of each month except October Fashion Show, and during December when we have our Christmas Party off-site. 

​At these luncheons we conduct our regular business and hear reports from various Board and Committee members. We always have a Republican keynote speaker who provides valuable information meant to educate and enlighten us with various political topics.  During Election Season, we encourage Republican candidates running for office to join us, mingle with our members, introduce themselves, and speak in front of the group for 5 minutes.

 Please email your meeting RSVP to: reservationsrwcnavajocanyon@gmail.com

 Be sure to note if you prefer the vegetarian meal option. Members may pay at the door by cash or check.

Republican Women of California - Navajo Canyon is the largest and most active Republican Women's Club in San Diego County. We meet the second Tuesday of the month. We encourage you to join us for lunch and mingle with other like-minded women! Click any graphic below to learn more about our club!